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There is no higher compliment one man can pay another than this: “Do you want to come and see my shed, mate?”

There is no higher compliment one man can pay another than this: “Do you want to come and see my shed, mate?”

Henry Cole, host of The Motorbike Show, Junk & Disorderly, Find It Fix It Flog It and Shed & Buried, introduces readers to the joy of sheds. In his new book, which is out next Thursday (17th September), Henry introduces the idea that a shed is a place to sit, a place to fettle and a place to stash, a spiritual refuge and a state of mind. From construction to maintenance, from foundations to roof to damp-proofing in between (“nobody wants rusty nuts”), here is all the practical information you need to start your own shed odyssey, delivered in Henry’s inimitable style.

“Your shed is your refuge. You need to make that pilgrimage to the bottom of the garden. Whether you’re walking down a muddy track or crunching along a gravel path... Breathe in the fresh air. Then pull open the door, grapple for the light switch, fire up the heaters and turn on the kettle. You’re the king in there.”

Henry covers everything from achieving that musty, oily shed smell (if you know, you know) through shed security and style to socialising (is it a one cuppa shed, or are you happy for invited mates to linger?).

"Sheds are about endeavour. They’re about restoration and preservation: spiritually, mentally and physically. They’re the place where old things get a new lease of life, and where new things – the motor, the light bulb, the telephone – are invented. You can make mistakes in a shed, and that’s where creativity begins, with experimentation and a whole lot of simple tinkering. (And don’t forget the complex etiquette of shed tea!)"

THE LIFE-CHANGING MAGIC OF SHEDS by Henry Cole is published by Quercus in hardback & e-book on 17th September 2020, priced £16.99.



John S
John S

I read this book in 24 hours! Fabulous. Cannot be missed if as I, you like sheds motorcycles or indeed your own space. It is a wonderful tale of life. The reading style is excellent.

I met Henry and some of his friends earlier this year (2021). He and his friends are a really wonderful likeable bunch.

You simply cannot go wrong reading this book.

Buy it, give it to friends. Anyone who loves outdoor life, buy it!


Allan Black
Allan Black

I can thoroughly recommend this book. I have my shed where I make live steam railway locomotives, but also glass engraving. Exactly as Henry says, a shed is where you go to be free of modern hindrances and give some time back to yourself and share with those who respect your quirks and odd tastes. If you feel lost in modern distractions, then you really need this book to be free to try to fix something, make something or just tinker, a whole new world awaits you.

Allan Black

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