Shed & Buried

Number of Episodes
95 x 30mins
Number of Series
An Englishman’s home is his castle, but it's in the nation’s sheds where real treasure is to be found - cars, bikes, boats, tractors and all manner of motoring memorabilia, just waiting to be bought, fixed up and moved on for a tidy profit.
Now in its sixth series, Shed & Buried brings together the king of the hagglers Henry Cole with fellow automotive fanatic Fuzz Townshend and expert restorer Guy Willison to rummage in sheds, barns, outbuildings and hangers, on the hunt for an NLE (nice little earner) or even a SPQR (small profit, quick return).
It’s no mean feat, but who better to take on the challenge than Britain's favourite biker Henry. With a penchant for all things two and four-wheeled - and the odd hankering for a period petrol pump - he has the gift of the gab and an eye for a bargain.
Helping out are Fuzz Townshend and Guy ‘Skid’ Willison, who do their best to keep Henry in check, as his urge to do a deal often means he’s bought something before they can give it a once-over, and then take on the task of getting whatever comes out of the back of the van up and running again. Engineering genius Allen Millyard is also on call, for engines that refuse to run.
Whatever the trio unearth, there’s guaranteed to be some serious rummaging, a bit of grafting, lots and lots of tea, and lashings of fun resurrecting long-neglected vehicles and finding new owners for them.